Feeling overwhelmed? That is okay – we all feel that way from time to time.
Getting stuck in overwhelm, feeling angry and upset and not living the life you deserve?
That will set you up for habits that lead to setbacks.
Ready to bounce back? To build resiliency so you can feel better, get more done – and be happier?
Focus on using this time for good – for learning new skills and changing negative habits.
Ask a friend to join you – and touch base every day to form new habits and check on your progress.
You will be building new “happy habits” for resiliency.
You will astound yourselves with how you are able to bounce back, and “be happy no matter what.”
When you break out of the old negative, stuck thoughts, you will change your life.
Ready to bounce back? Choose a step to change what you do and what you say to yourself:
SMILE – thinking, “I feel so good,” hold your smile for 1 minute or more until you feel better.
Smiling ignites “feel good” hormones in your brain. Adding a positive thought keeps the “feel good” going.
MUSIC – play your favorite “up-beat” song – and sing, hum along or dance – until you feel better.
Then think, “This day is really going okay; I can have fun and handle whatever comes my way.”
Because your brain follows your body, dancing, singing, and rhyming words = your happy hormones go wild.
CONNECT – call a friend. Ask how their day is going and how you can help them. This helps keep you positive.
Laugh! Focus on “good news.” Tell them how much you are grateful for them and how they enhance your life.
KEY: Science says depression can be caused by isolation – and isn’t that what we are doing now?
Call or visit – stay outside, stay socially distanced with a mask. INSIST everyone follow the guidelines.
But do your best to connect.
You can bounce back.
First, decide you will form habits for resilience.
Then commit to practicing at least one of these 3 steps every day.
Third, find an “accountability partner” who will practice – in a fun way - with you.
You deserve to feel better, to be more successful and happier.
To do so requires new habits that only take a few minutes a day.
Let me know what you will commit to and how it is going for you.
Learn to become resilient – to bounce back no matter what.

Are you, your team stressed by uncertainty and change; are productivity, turnover, engagement, issues?
Paula is a proven expert, creating thriving IT teams with simple tools to shift thinking and actions.
Highly interactive Zoom workshops (45-60+ min.) improve productivity, retention, engagement, morale.
Proof? Coca-Cola Charlotte (CCBCC): 90% Engaged, 91% Retention, 79% Productive, 68% Managing Stress.
Call now: 704-906-8045, email: paula@ClaimLeadership.com or visit her website www.claimleadership
Result: 5 minutes of your time = a free interactive workshop to get the tools you and your team need now.