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Ignite Joy and Happiness

There she was again – igniting joy and happiness!

I love watching my sister Anne. She knows how to ignite joy.

She knows how to be happy.

As we finished lunch at a restaurant (pre-COVID), Anne ignited joy and happiness.

She popped her head into the kitchen and yelled, “Thanks – you are awesome! Lunch was amazing!”

Of course, they felt it – that great feeling of being appreciated. Their smiles lit up the kitchen.

How do you ignite joy, happiness, fun, good feelings?

You give it. You always get what you give. Give joy, get joy; give happiness, get happiness; give love, get love.

Another friend of mine – a true leader, Sharon, is constantly catching people doing good.

With a smile on her face, she talks about how well the project is going and mentions people by name.

She always starts with the good, complimenting people and keeping her energy high.

And when she does, the “Zoom Room” ignites. People smile, laugh, feel better.

Yes, she gets to the challenges and changes, but only after the good news, the compliments, the high energy.

How will you ignite joy, happiness, fun while working - or at home today?

Will you smile, compliment someone, praise the team, tell a joke, laugh, high-five, hum a little tune?

You have joy in you – happiness is inside. Release it – right now.

Smile no matter what. Lift someone else up. Serve. Realize everyone is carrying a burden.

And even though you may never know what their challenge of the day is, you can be the hero.

You can ignite joy and happiness, especially now.

Ask, “Who needs a smile right now? What can I do to show kindness and compassion? Who can I help?”

And when the answer comes, do it. Make the call, send a text, high-five whoever is nearby, smile.

When you do this, miraculous things will happen.

You will feel lighter, your relationships will improve, your world will be happier.

Ignite your world with joy and happiness.


How does Paula add value?

Are you, your team stressed by uncertainty and change; are productivity, turnover, engagement, issues?

Paula is a proven expert, creating thriving IT teams with simple tools to shift thinking and actions.

Highly interactive Zoom workshops (45-60+ min.) improve productivity, retention, engagement, morale.

Proof? Coca-Cola Charlotte (CCBCC): 90% Engaged, 91% Retention, 79% Productive, 68% Managing Stress.

Call now: 704-906-8045, email: or visit her website

Result: 5 minutes of your time = a free interactive workshop to get the tools you and your team need now.

Paula Guilfoyle

Consultant – Transforming Teams

Call now: 704-906-8045, email: or visit her website

Result: 5 minutes of your time = a free interactive workshop to get the tools you and your team need now.


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We teach simple tools so teams can move from stress to success.

Then you lead a team that’s so great – everyone is excited to go to work.

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