Stuck or struggling?
Be kind to your mind.
This will help you calm down.
Whatever you are thinking – telling yourself – is creating chaos, not calm.
Create calm by switching your focus:
What are you saying about who/what you are struggling against?
“They are causing this issue I have; this is difficult; I don’t like this.”
How is this making you feel?
“Lousy – low energy, angry, frustrated.”
What is the new perspective you could have?
“This is all working for me; I can see this as an opportunity to grow.”
What can you now say to yourself? What can you choose?
“I am doing the best I can.”
“The other person is teaching me – helping me grow.”
“I can let it go – release the situation, person, or pain and be free.”
You in chaos or control – it’s your choice.

Just think a kinder, more empowering thought – and keep thinking it.
Be kind to your mind. Brilliant!