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The Secret to Work-Life Balancing

I was on a mission – as usual, rushing through my day. I had a home “to do” list, and I was trying to catch-up on work.  And it was the weekend.

The dinner was planned, the closet cleaned and 6 other goals accomplished. I was running like a crazy woman. I ran past my friend Mike at Lowe’s, was multi-tasking as I talked to my daughter, cut a phone call short.

At the end of the day I realized I had not been present for the most important part of my life. People. Connection. I hadn’t stopped – even for a few minutes – to really connect.

Does this happen to you? Are you so busy with getting it done, that you forget to recognize what’s important?

Real connection is putting the rest of your life on pause while you listen for the meaning behind the words. Connection is seeing their smile, feeling their emotions, treasuring their uniqueness, their energy.

This is not easy – I am getting better at it but it doesn’t come naturally to me – at all.

I have a friend Chris who started to ask me what I was doing while we were on the phone. She could hear me putting away dishes, closing a cabinet, clattering about. Wow. My multi-tasking meant I clearly wasn’t placing her #1 at that moment. It was a bad habit.

I pay attention now. I listen deeply. She won’t tolerate less. This is a true friend; a teacher patiently telling me that “we” are more important than getting stuff done. Thanks Chris.

Life is busy – you are busy. Yet, your life really is your family and friends – it’s not the distractions.

The secret to work-life balancing is to be present for your family and friends. STOP and be with them.

Set-up rituals that will ensure family walks, visits to the park and fun activities will happen. Start making these times normal parts of your day; non-negotiable times to connect. Put away your electronics. Remember – these people are your life; time with them is precious.

Stop, listen and treasure the moment; tell them how much you care. Then notice how your joy increases as your relationships and the quality of your life improve. The secret to work-life balancing is presence – “be here now.”


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