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Plan for Peace at Work or Home – Let it Go

Are you a bit more emotional than usual? Wondering why you are so sensitive? This morning I woke up with a “hangover” from an unresolved situation. I felt awful. I never (honest) get in arguments; I do everything I can to avoid getting triggered and reacting. And since science tells us relationships are up to 85% of our happiness – I needed a resolution fast.

When life seems out of control, how do you keep your relationships positive, loving and compassionate?

You let go. You notice that you have been triggered and let it go.

Being triggered = an emotional reaction. Your behavior changes. You think, feel or act differently.

You have a choice – stay in the negative habit cycle – or let it go for happiness, peace and success.

3 Steps to “Letting it Go” when you have had a disagreement:

  1. Send the person (with your thoughts) what you want – kindness, compassion and peace, for example. Do this EVERY time you think of them or the situation. “I am sending (name) compassion and peace.” The positive energy you send will be received by YOU. “What you give out, you get back.” In other words, you feel better as you send them “feel better and peace” thoughts. You free yourself.

  2. Replay the conflict with the perfect outcome in your mind: “I listen; we end positively,” for example.

  3. See it “fly away” in your mind. Imagine the person or situation as a cloud or “balloon” and let it go.

In this case, replaying (step 2) meant I imagined that I listened better; we talked about the topic only positively. I saw us ending the call earlier and happier. I avoided the trigger in the replay. This reprograms your brain.

How do I know this works? I practiced it this morning. Then I called my friend to apologize – and listened to my friend without interruption. That required patience.

You have an opportunity to “let it go” with something that is bothering you. This is your peace, your freedom.

  1. Send them good energy = whatever you want, send it to them = kindness, compassion, and peace.

  2. Replay the situation and imagine the perfect outcome. See and feel the best outcome for all. When you think of it, imagine it in your mind as a balloon – floating away. Let it go.

  3. Then apologize – email, text or speak, “I am sorry.” This frees you and them. It starts a new habit.

You can hold onto the negative and let it ruin your day – and tell everyone what a victim you are. Or you can send them positive energy, replay it so your brain starts a new habit, and feel better.

I am offering you a way out – a tool that works. Will you give it a try? Send them positive energy, imagine the best outcome and let it go. Bonus: apologize.

This is your freedom. This is your plan for peace.


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